Tuesday, March 8, 2011


It's official, I have joined the eReader population. After much debate, lots of research, shopping, and agonizing... I have a Kindle.

It was between a Kindle and Nook for the most part. The nice people dressed in blue at Best Buy said they were really the only two they'd recommend. The guy seemed to be pushing me into a Nook. But, my husband said if I was going to buy a Nook, I might as well buy an iPad. And believe me, I'd like an iPad. However, they are more expensive and what I really wanted it for was JUST to read books. Not get email, not surf the internet, not even read magazines. Just books.

I also considered that the kind of books I might most likely be reading would be from indie authors. There are SO many books out there I want to read from self-publishing authors and many of those are on Amazon. I know this means I can't borrow books from the library, I'm okay with that. I even bought a cover that has a light right inside of it, so I can read in bed.

I have one more library books to read and then it's Kindle time!


  1. LUCKY! I'm so coveting a Kindle right now. I told my husband I wanted one. Hopefully come Christmas 2012, I'll get one. :)

  2. Nook has cool extra stuff, but i bought my mom the kindle (the original kindle) and she loves it! a few of my friends mothers have the Nook and it glitches alot is what i hear so good choice with the nook! (:

    ps-thank you for following my blog, i am following yours now and look forward to your future posts(:

  3. I have been struggling with buying a reader myself. I almost feel like I am a "sell out" if I get one (I know this might sound crazy). I have been in love with books my entire life...I guess I'm afraid that I will abandon them forever (I'm a little dramatic). But I think I will have to take the plunge soon, especially now that I have a few e-books to review.

    Keep us posted on how well you like it!

    Following from Book Blogs.

  4. I want a kindle :)

    I'm following.
