Monday, April 4, 2011

Book #4

Tonight, I feel on top of the world! I finished the first draft of my fourth book. I began writing it March 11, 2011. So, it took less than a month to complete. I'm very excited about this book - and a little worried. It's my first paranormal story making it new territory for me.

I'm not ready to go into details yet, other than to say it's not about vampires or werewolves. It's about teens with 'gifts'.

Right now, I'm setting it aside. I'm going to go back to my third book which needs some editing. I had a few people read it and tell me what they thought. Now, I'll be taking their opinions and going back through it. After the edit, I'll send it back out to these people to see how they like the new version. Then another edit and I hope to get it out for summer.

Once that it is done, I'll go back to this book and do my first edit on it. I'm very hopeful that I will have this one released by the end of the year.

And... I already have book five in my head - and a little on paper. I had to write down some things, the character kept yelling in my head : )


  1. How exciting! Congratulations, I'm very inspired.

  2. Congrats! I'm barely able to juggle writing 10k a month with editing, work and keeping up with my young son; forget about keeping track of multiple future stories, too! :p

  3. Thanks :) I love writing! Editing (which I'm doing right now... not so much.
